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  • lisajones0710

Who invited Rona?

My plan to update this blog monthly hasn't exactly been one I have stuck to, but I will try harder.

2021 hasn't been much different from 2020 for us. We have found ourselves self-isolating from the world even as it has started opening up again. I missed my Mum's wedding, which sucked so badly. I feel like so much time is being stolen from us. Yet, life goes on. We find ourselves starting to make plans; slowly, but surely. Dan and I have a trip to Edinburgh planned to meet with my Mum and Sister. Rona is not invited, so she better not ruin this for us! I've not seen my Mum or Sister since New Year's Eve 2019. Before Rona, a week was probably the longest I's gone without seeing my Mum, and a couple of weeks was the longest I'd ever gone without seeing my Sister. It's been strange, but we've spoken on the phone most days.

Health-wise, it's been a pretty crappy year. I am off all my meds, so my body pretty much hates me. Originally it was only temporary so that I could have my vaccine, but I've chosen to stay off my meds to hopefully have a baby. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to conceive a child, but I have to try. I am off my meds, and I am currently losing weight. I'm 10lb at the moment. I want to lose at least another stone to give myself the best chance. If I am my goal weight, off my meds, and still can't conceive, then I will probably have to give up the dream of conceiving a child and start back on all the medication. It feels impossible sometimes. You never think you will struggle to have a child; you always think it will be something that comes naturally. I remember thinking that I would get married, buy a house and have a few kids by the time I was thirty; idealistic. It's a struggle.

I stopped writing a couple of months ago when I got shingles, and since then, my body has been having a bit of a tantrum. It has been nice to start writing again lately; it feels good.

One of the biggest things that's changed since I last updated is my name! I am now Lisa Valentine. Dan and I are eloping in October, and instead of taking his last name, we decided to take the last name of his Grandad. Dan doesn't have a relationship with his Dad, and the person who was the most influential in his early life was his Grandad. So, we have chosen his last name to use as our own.

I love that the weather is changing; the first signs of Autumn are already beginning to show themselves. The nights are getting colder, and the sun is setting earlier. Autumn is my favourite time of year. I can't wait for the dark nights to be here.

That is pretty much all I have to update on. My writing is flowing, I am happy, and we're finally making some plans.

I am grateful.

I won't leave it so long next time!



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